The History of the Phantanor Manor is a unique chain of events that lead to the experience it is today!
The Phantanor Manor originally went by the name of the "Melvents Mansion", as it was owned by the rich Melvents family, who were powerful aristocrats of the French aristocracy that lived through 1413 all the way to 1547.
While the exact details are unknown, what is known and documented was at the end of their reign (1547), a child of the nobles went insane, drawing pentagrams around the mansion, lewd gestures towards all royal visitors, allegedly caught consuming human flesh, and just a couple months after these shifts in behaviors, the mansion caught fire and was evacuated. Many speculate this child was possessed and burned down the mansion themselves, but we have NO idea what it could be so definitely DON'T ask us.
A couple centuries later, during 1762, the mansion was found, half burned, and the private organization that discovered it made an effort to renevate it, rebuilding it, trying to match the same gothic architecture, and by 1781, the project was finished.
The location of the mansion was, unknown to the Melvents, located right on top of a natural hot spring found underground, so when the organization discovered this, they turned the mansion into a bathhouse. However, the government had prevented the bathhouse from going public or getting any public awareness; it is unknown why the did this even today.
During the French Revolution, however, the Government enlisted the bathhouse as an oasis for refugees and soldiers that needed recovery. The remote location was never found by the public, and by extension the revolutionists, so soldiers were free to relax at this bathhouse.
Eventually, once the Revolution ended and Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of France, the bathhouse went completely out of business (as it relied on the now-abolished government), and was abandoned.
The Phantanor Manor originally went by the name of the "Melvents Mansion", as it was owned by the rich Melvents family, who were powerful aristocrats of the French aristocracy that lived through 1413 all the way to 1547.
While the exact details are unknown, what is known and documented was at the end of their reign (1547), a child of the nobles went insane, drawing pentagrams around the mansion, lewd gestures towards all royal visitors, allegedly caught consuming human flesh, and just a couple months after these shifts in behaviors, the mansion caught fire and was evacuated. Many speculate this child was possessed and burned down the mansion themselves, but we have NO idea what it could be so definitely DON'T ask us.
A couple centuries later, during 1762, the mansion was found, half burned, and the private organization that discovered it made an effort to renevate it, rebuilding it, trying to match the same gothic architecture, and by 1781, the project was finished.
The location of the mansion was, unknown to the Melvents, located right on top of a natural hot spring found underground, so when the organization discovered this, they turned the mansion into a bathhouse. However, the government had prevented the bathhouse from going public or getting any public awareness; it is unknown why the did this even today.
During the French Revolution, however, the Government enlisted the bathhouse as an oasis for refugees and soldiers that needed recovery. The remote location was never found by the public, and by extension the revolutionists, so soldiers were free to relax at this bathhouse.
Eventually, once the Revolution ended and Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of France, the bathhouse went completely out of business (as it relied on the now-abolished government), and was abandoned.
The bathhouse remained abandoned and eventually overgrown, and for many very hardcore ghost hunters and paranormal "schizophrenics" knew about this very obscure manor, and would visit it. Allegedly, they experienced many hauntings, but nobody believed them.
In fact, or founder is a paranormal enthusiast and investigator! They stumbled across this haunted and abnormal manor, and initially, it was preserved as was, although the overgrown foliage was trimmed. However, once he passed away in 1982, his son now took ownership and turned it into atourist trap unforgettable experience!
This is where the mansion stands today, as the Phantanor Manor! You won't find any other records of this place anywhere else on the entire web, and most governments try to ban our site. That's also why this site is shadow banned, but now you found it and we are thrilled to have another life-long guest!
In fact, or founder is a paranormal enthusiast and investigator! They stumbled across this haunted and abnormal manor, and initially, it was preserved as was, although the overgrown foliage was trimmed. However, once he passed away in 1982, his son now took ownership and turned it into a
This is where the mansion stands today, as the Phantanor Manor! You won't find any other records of this place anywhere else on the entire web, and most governments try to ban our site. That's also why this site is shadow banned, but now you found it and we are thrilled to have another life-long guest!